The Sound of Rescue is a cinematic ambient and post-rock band currently based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (but originally founded in Baltimore, Maryland). It was founded in September of 2010 by twin brothers Michael Tasselmyer and Andrew Tasselmyer. Starting in 2011, their younger brother Stephen Tasselmyer sporadically appeared with them on drums.
After seven releases (including albums, extended plays and singles) Michael Tasselmyer and Andrew Tasselmyer started the minimal and drone ambient side-project, Hotel Neon in late 2012. In the fall of 2014, Steven Kemner joined The Sound of Rescue as a steady member and songwriter. Kemner also joined Hotel Neon in July 2015.
The Sound of Rescue will premiere on Abridged Pause Recordings through an exclusive song on the forthcoming Various Artists compilation, “Billowing Tempestus”, due out in early 2016,