Brainscan started out in the summer of 2012 as an extension for Eliminator to pursue more politically touchy subjects. This change also welcomed a new sound, including shoegaze and dream pop. The term “dream thrash” was coined by Eliminator with their demo of the same name, which can be considered be a prequel to “Brainscan”. That same summer, Brainscan recorded their first EP, “Connor NOOOO!!!!”, featuring Eliminator’s Samus Paulicelli on drums. This was soon followed by their demo “You’re Part of it”, which introduced Brainscan’s new full-time drummer, Jerry Bakman. Both releases had brilliant artwork designed by Costin Chioreanu, but unfortunately were left unreleased. In 2013, the band recorded the single “Palestine”, which was one of the most rewarding pieces of music ever made. In 2014, Abridged Pause Recordings plans on bringing forward as much Brainscan material as possible by finally releasing all the unreleased material and perhaps more.