New updated Abridged Pause Recordings icon.
It’s almost halfway through February now and I’m just getting to the news update for 2014. Most labels hurried up and got their first label post in the first week on January, but here at Abridged Pause, I’ll take the blame for being late on it. First news, we have an updated icon/thumbnail logo, which you can see above. The original one was created way back in 2008 and was much smaller. With every website going for better, bigger pictures, it was time to get the distorted oldie out and a new more recent one it.
The 2014 plans for Abridged Pause Recordings are as follows:
- to release the long anticipated and delayed Soufferance album “Memories of a City”
- possibly a second Soufferance boxed set entitled “Tristesse”
- the debut from Citadel Swamp, a new band featuring members of Symbiosis and Vision Éternel
- hopefully get a discography out for Brainscan and Black Sand and Starless Nights
- a big maybe on a second various artists compilation.
As for the Abridged Pause Blog, I plan to continue to interview important bands and write retrospective biographies with full discography downloads. This is usually slow, but blame that on the bands, not on the archivist!
Stay tuned for more!